Program Quality

Research indicates that high-quality expanded learning programs can have an equitable and positive impact on young people’s social, emotional, and academic outcomes. ALX Beyond is committed to ensuring that all youth have access to high-quality and meaningful programs.

    With generous funding from the City of Alexandria, ALX Beyond has initiated a cohort of 14 program sites serving young people in grades K-12. The objective of the pilot is to help providers maintain high-quality programs for youth. The cohort is partnering with the Weikart Center for Program Quality to pilot the Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI) process. The YPQI is an evidence-based approach that focuses on continuous reflection and improvement for adults working with youth. To assess the quality of programming, providers will use the Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA) as a tool to evaluate their youth programs and identify staff training needs. The YPQA is based on four pillars:

    • Data collection via the Program Quality Assessment
    • Using data to engage in Planning in Data to support improvement efforts
    • Providing targeted trainings in Youth Work Methods related to areas identified for improvement
    • Engaging in Quality Coaching

    At the completion of the 2024-2025 school year, the cohort will make recommendations regarding the future of the YPQI process in the City of Alexandria. The organizations participating in the cohort are:

    For more information on the program quality pilot, please contact ALX Beyond Program Quality Manager, Erica Mack (

    Interested in learning more about program quality for expanded learning/OST programs? Check out the resources below!

    Program Quality Cohort Resources

    If you are a part of the Youth Program Quality Cohort for 2024-2025, please click here to view additional resources: PQA Resources