Expanded learning or out-of-school time (OST) presents a prime opportunity to enhance SEL. In the absence of academic curriculum, expanded learning allows for greater flexibility in how adults can support the development of SEL skills in young people. ALX Beyond provides ongoing professional learning opportunities for providers to enhance their understanding and application of SEL.
RULER in Out-of-School Time (OST)
RULER in OST is an approach to social and emotional learning that is adapted from The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence’s evidence-based approach known as RULER. The ALX Beyond SEL Work Group recommends this free resource and the staff/youth activities to expanded learning providers as an introduction to SEL, which complements the classroom-based framework implemented by Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS).
Current Professional Learning Opportunities for City of Alexandria Providers
Alexandria Mentoring Partnership: Mentor University
City of Alexandria Department of Community & Human Services (DCHS) Youth Development Trainings
Other Resources
Afterschool Alliance SEL Fact Sheet
Afterschool Alliance Trauma-Informed Communities
Center for Disease Control: Adverse Childhood Experiences
Virginia Partnership for Out-of-School Time (VPOST) Youth Development & SEL